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你鼓舞了我You raise me up

作词:爱尔兰民歌 人气:
唱法:通俗歌曲 语种 : 外国歌曲谱 日期:2016/6/18 15:56:50
关键词:你鼓舞了我You raise me up
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曲谱来源:词曲网 曲谱制作:词曲网搜集整理 曲谱提供:车里子 最后修改时间:2016/6/18 20:02:17
  • 文本歌词
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You Raise Me Up

When I am down

and oh my soul so weary

When troubles come

and my heart burdened be

Then I am still

and wait here in the silence

Until you come

and sit awhile with me

You raise me up

so I can stand on mountains

You raise me up

to walk on stormy seas

I am strong

when I am on your shoulders

You raise me up

To more than I can be

There is no life

no life without its hunger

Each restless heart

beats so imperfectly

But when you come

and I am filled with wonder

Sometimes I think

I glimpse eternity

You raise me up

so I can stand on mountains

You raise me up

to walk on stormy seas

I am strong

when I am on your shoulders

You raise me up

To more than I can be

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