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作词:李志锋 作曲:李志锋 演唱(奏):李志锋 人气:
唱法:通俗歌曲 语种 : 国语歌曲谱 日期:2012/5/24 22:21:58
曲谱来源:词曲网 曲谱制作:词曲网搜集整理 曲谱提供:李志锋
  • 文本歌词
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魅力平凉 Charming PingLiang 词曲:李志锋 Songwriter by Li zhifeng 演唱:李志锋 Sung by Li Zhifeng 翻译:陈龙 Translation by Chen Long 出品:李志锋 Producer by Li Zhifeng 发行:广东101音乐传媒 Issue by Guangdong 101 Music Media 亲爱的朋友们 Dear friends 有时间来平凉看看 Come to visit PingLiang if you have time 看看这里的水和山 Come to see the water and mountain here 看看这养生的家园 See the healthy homeland 崆峒山黄帝问道开篇 Huang Di of Kong Tong mountain inquired the way and start a page 王母宫里仙女下凡起舞翩翩 Fairy is Fluttering and dancing in Wang Mu Palace 周文王伐密须灵台祭天 King Zhou Wen conquered Mi Xu and sacrificed to heaven in Ling Tai 秦始皇莲花台** First Emperor of Qin held a sacrificial altar in Lotus platform 龙泉寺的飞龙亲亲你双眼 The flying dragon in Long Quan temple will kiss your eyes 成纪城开辟人文的新纪元 Cheng Ji City open up a new humanity era 这里人杰地灵这里充满生机 This is a beautiful place with talented people and full of vitality 皇甫谧爱的花朵盛开在世纪 The loving flowers of HuangFu Mi flourish in century 牛僧孺传奇小说的源泉奔流不息 The source of the legendary novel of Niu Sengru is everlasting 抗金名将诞生在这里 The famous general who resist the Jin Dynasty was born here 赵时春修撰《平凉府志》的碑 Zhao Shichun compiled the stele of the data of Ping Liang Mansion 慕天颜惠润寻访遍南北 Mu Tianyan looked for and visited many places 界石铺上红旗招展 The five-star red flag is fluttering gaily above the Jie Shipu 华煤谱写盛世篇章 Hua Mei compose the flourishing age 金果捧出幸福吉祥 The golden shows the happiness and good luck 片片梯田架起金色的桥梁 Large terraces formed a golden bridge 盛世的欢歌在这里唱响 Sing the song of flourishing age 西部腾飞在这里崛起 The west of China rise from here 在这里崛起 Rise from here 魅力平凉 Charming Ping Liang 魅力平凉 Charming Ping Liang 平凉市旅游局供稿 Feeds by Pingliang Tourism Administration
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